A new anime series is coming your way. Directed by Yoshiaki Iwasaki and written by Hideki Shirane, Monster Girl Doctor Anime is a light novel series written by Yoshino Origuchi, which premieres July 12. This new anime series is illustrated by Z-Ton. Along with that, Hiromi Kato designed the characters of this series, and the music throughout the show is composed by TO-MAS. It premieres in Tokyo MX on July 12 and July 14 on BS11.
There have already been seven volumes of the series published by Shueisha under a different imprint since June 24, 2016.
This series is about a town named Lindworm where monsters and humans coincide. A medical clinic for monster girls is run by Dr. Glenn with his assistant named Saphee, a lamia. Dr. Glenn performs his job with a lot of elegance and confidence. From analyzing injuries of mermaids to stitching scars of golems. Besides all this, when an important harpy egg goes missing, will Dr. Glenn be able to help?
This series opens with an exciting performance as the opening song called “Campanella Hibiku Sora de”(In the Sky Where the Bells Ring) which is performed by the idol group ARCANA PROJECT. This is going to be the groups first single. The CD of this will be released on September 9th. As for the ending, the song is performed by Aina Suzuki. The song is called “Yasahisa no Namae” (The Name of Kindness).
Fans of anime are very excited about this new series which airs on TV soon. They can’t wait to watch a new monstrous anime series with a thrilling plot.