In the season of manga’s getting an anime adaption, Chiikawa Anime is another exciting addition. The series gained its recognition initially through Twitter, and its immense popularity has finally confirmed it for a TV broadcast. The series revolves around small and cute creatures, quite literally. The manga came out recently and is currently being published online. So, when is it scheduled to release on TV platforms? Here are all the details.
Chiikawa, also known as Nanka Chiisakute Kawaii Yatsu, is a popular Japanese manga series. The series is a creation of artist Nagano. It began its serialization online on Twitter in January 2020 and is still ongoing. The text has collected two tankobon volumes to date. In addition, it receives publications under Kodansha. Now that the animated version of the series is set to appear on TV screens, anime fans are to await a series of cuteness overloaded.
Chiikawa Anime: Official Announcement!
The official Twitter account of the creator brought exciting news to the fans. However, the huge announcement about the making of the anime adaption came out last year on October 28. The show will be work under Studio Doga Kobo. Illustrator Nagano’s creation, Chiikawa, is also a part of Spiral Cute’s roster of characters. It also contains SNS and LINE stamps for the characters.
That is not all, since the adorable characters also inspire a collection of goods in Japan, such as soft toys and towels. However, the makers are yet to reveal major details about the upcoming show. The show’s format or voice actors are yet to hit the news. Plus, not much is out about the staff members either. Fans are to wait a bit longer for the major details.
Plot Details!
Now, as the name suggests, Chiikawa focuses on “Chiisa,” which is small, and “Kawaii,” which means cute creatures. So, the title of the show is an addition of both syllables. The show will depict stories about the daily adventures of the sweet little characters. It will also highlight a rollercoaster of emotions. No matter how stressful their days go by, the endearing creatures lead their lives with a smile on their faces. Plus, they have a thing for delicious food that they enjoy with bees and rabbits.
It is notable that they also receive rewards after work. Now, this show cannot get cuter. The plot of the anime series will follow the chapters of the manga.
Chiikawa Anime: Release Date
Unfortunately, no update is out about a definite release date for the show. However, a release window has made the news instead. Chiikawa anime is scheduled to premiere this Spring. It will be broadcast every weekday at 5:58 a.m. on Fuji TV. The release will be exclusive for Japanese networks. Plus, no details on a streaming service variable have been announced. International fans might have to wait a bit longer if a subtitled version comes out. Hence, for more updates, keep coming back to this page.
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