Kingdom Chapter 700: Raw Scans Points At Zhao’s Rage! Release Date

Kingdom Chapter 700


Kingdom Chapter 700 is set to mark the entry of the manga into a grim arc. Kanki has shifted the rage of the war to another level. With the beheading of thousands of soldiers, he had set a bad precedent for the people of Zhao. Now, Sei is anticipating that this anger will translate into brutality on the battlefield. But Shin has assured him that he will look after things when he is gone. What will happen next? Can Sei control Kanki’s actions in the future? Here is all you need to know about the chapter.

The forthcoming chapter is going to showcase intense political unrest in China. Kanki has put Sei’s name amongst some of the worst kings in history. However, he still walked away with a pardon. This decision is likely to create a rift within his own army. This will serve as an advantage to Zhao.


Kingdom Chapter 700: Plot Details!

The raw scans of the upcoming chapter of Kingdom are out in the public domain. It suggests that the chapter will begin with Shin discussing Kanki’s plans with Sei (King of Qin). Sei will say that he could not punish Kanki because they needed his genius for the upcoming wars. He will say that the consequences of his actions will reflect in future battles. The people of Zhao are not going to forgive them for the mass execution.

At Kanki’s camp, Naki and the rest of the team discuss that they are thankful to Sei for not killing Kanki for his actions. Naki will reveal that Raido’s death had nothing to do with the killings. Kanki has always been brutal in wars. Later in Kingdom Chapter 700, Sei will take his troop to the city of Kanyou. By the end of the chapter, Zhao will send a message to the people of his city in regards to the death of their soldiers.

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A Quick Recap!

The 699th chapter of Kingdom began with the same conversation between the King of Qin and Kanki. To the King’s surprise, Kanki had the courage to question the actions of Zheng. He said that he did nothing in front of the numbered killings that the King had ordered in his lifetime. To this, the King replied that he wanted his people to live alongside Zhao’s men after they won. However, Kanki and his men denied the idea by stating how brutally Zhao’s men had butchered Raido and the rest of the soldiers.

The King argued that they did not want another Hakuki in China (the infamous general that buried 40,000 soldiers). The King understood Kanki’s rage. And he also analyzed that if he executed Kanki, he was going to lose a lot of allies. As a result, he pardoned him for the beheadings. However, this was the last warning that he was going to get. The chapter ended with Shin coming to meet Sei.


Kingdom Chapter 700: Release Date

The upcoming chapter of Kingdom will present some heartwarming conversations in the midst of a grave war. Shin and Sei might discuss the upcoming events of the war. So, the benchmark Kingdom Chapter 700 is scheduled to release this Sunday on November 21, 2021. Fans will be able to find the chapter only in Kodansha’s Weekly Shonen Jump. Stay tuned to this space for more updates.

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