‘Kingdom’ is a historical manga that is set during the Chinese Warring States Period. The series by Yasuhisa Hara became an instant hit due to the unique story. Furthermore, the sensational series inspired an anime television series and a live-action film directed by Shinsuke Sato. The film premiered in 2019 and, like the manga, became a record-breaking hit. After two years, the show-makers released a trailer for a sequel film. And fans of the franchise could not hold back their excitement over the news. Thus, read more about Kingdom II Live-action film right here.
‘Kingdom’ is a live-action movie adaptation of the historical manga series by Yasuhisa Hara. The manga first made an appearance in January 2006 in Weekly Young Jump. And completed sixty-three volumes as of November 2021. The live-action movie came out in April 2019. Shinsuke Sato served as the director of the film. Moreover, it stars Kento Yamazaki in the lead role of Xin. Furthermore, a second sequel film is scheduled to release this year.
Kingdom II Live-Action Film: New Trailer Out!
The sequel live-action movie was first announced in May 2020. Yasuhisa Hara, the manga creator, drew an illustration to celebrate the news. Soon after, on December 31, 2021, the official website of the Kingdom Live-Action films dropped a new trailer for the sequel film. More importantly, the new trailer revealed the title for the sequel along with the release window. The new movie will be titled Kingdom II: To Distant Lands. Also, the venture will have the previous staff and cast working on it again.
Shinsuke Sato will return to direct the movie. And Tsutomu Kuroiwa and Yasuhisa Hara will join him in overseeing the scripts. Among the cast, Kento Yamazaki is confirmed to return to play the lead role, Xin. Additionally, Ryo Yoshizawa will also return to play the role of Ying Zheng. Lastly, Kanna Hashimoto will resume her role as Liao Diao. Check out the trailer for Kingdom II Live Action Film:
What Will The Sequel Be About?
The live-action movies are based on the popular historical manga series of the same name. The first film ended on a cliffhanger, with many fans eager to know what happened next. The sequel movie will follow the ‘Keiyou Campaign Arc’ of the story. The Keiyou Campaign Arc spans chapters forty-eight to seventy-three of the series. The story follows the slave boy, Xin, and the young Qin king, Ying Zheng. And as the title suggests, the story will follow the kingdom and its ventures to reach distant lands.
The first film ended with Ying Zheng vowing to unite all of China and bring in an era of peace no matter the cost. The next arc starts after Qin successfully stops the rebellion by Ai. After that, the story follows the kingdom as it continues its campaigns to take over other areas. Soon, the domain launches a campaign to take over the Koku You Hills. Therefore, the rest of the story follows the political and military struggles of the young king and his army.
Kingdom II Live-Action Film Release Date
The first film, ‘Kingdom’, received praise and good reviews. Thanks to its popularity, there has been a lot of anticipation for the sequel. Unfortunately, there has not been an announcement regarding a concrete release date. However, the new trailer of the film confirmed a Summer 2022 release for the sequel. This section will be updated accordingly. For more updates and content like this, keep in touch with The Anime Daily.