Meliodas is the protagonist of one of the most popular series titled “Seven Deadly Sins.” The story of the series follows the tale of seven deadly criminally who have committed several crimes in the past. Meliodas is the Dragon Sin of Wrath and is also the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins. He is the eldest son of the Demon King and the older brother of Zeldris. Meliodas’s sacred treasure is his Demon Sword Lostvayne that helps him in raising his power level, and his inherent power is Full Counter.
Well, Meliodas is recognized as one of the strongest protagonists of the anime series as his power levels are insanely high. He was already powerful enough at the beginning of the series, and that power has only increased till the end of the series. Throughout his journey, Meliodas unlocked several forms. So, here are the three most powerful forms and their estimated power level of the Dragon’s Sin of wrath.
Meliodas’ After Purgatory Form
After coming out of the purgatory, Meliodas’s power was on an entirely different level. Purgatory is a space between the afterlife and the living world. This is a really twisted place and is home to predatory monsters and mutated souls. Therefore, surviving this place did wonder for the overall power of Meliodas. The time he spent in the extreme conditions of purgatory entirely changed him, and he managed to become stronger than ever.
Estimated Power Level: 600000
Emotionless Assault Mode
Meliodas has several things up his sleeves. This form of Dragon’s Sin of Wrath was so powerful that it even shook the Ten Commanders. Meliodas can unleash his demon powers entirely in this form that increases his base power drastically. However, this form has a major drawback. Due to the immense powers, Meliodas wasn’t able to use his emotions. An emotionless Meliodas who can use the Demon powers to their fullest extent is certainly a threat that concerns everyone.
Estimated Power Level: 142000-200000
Meliodas Demon King Form
This is the final and the most powerful form of Meliodas. The father of Meliodas is the Demon King, and he always thought of his eldest son as a suitable vessel for him. Meliodas achieved this form when his father took over his body. When Meliodas managed to absorb all the commandments, his father took advantage and decided to use the body of Meliodas. This form of Meliodas made him stronger than ever as it was his final form. The power level of Meliodas was off the charts in his Demon King form.
Estimated Power Level: 777000-1000000
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