Sakugan Episode 6: Justice For Villains! Release Date & Plot

Sakugan Episode 6


Keisuke Sato’s original science fiction is translating quite well on the screens. Just within five episodes, the show has managed to garner a loyal audience that roots for the two main characters. In last week’s episode of Sakugan, Memenpu and Gagumber went ahead with Merooro to a secluded Bureau office. They gathered all the essentials and moved forward towards their next destination. So, what will happen in Sakugan Episode 6? What are the dangers lying ahead of them? Here is all you need to know about the next episode.

In the upcoming episode, fans can expect to see the side of the Bureau of Regulations. The team of officers is consistently working to locate the two markers. However, being held twice, Gagumber and Memenpu have gathered enough experience on how to tackle the authorities. It will be interesting to see how things unroll on their next quest.

Sakugan Episode 6: Plot Details

The title of the upcoming episode of Sakugan will be “Justice For Villains.” As the title suggests, the story is likely to take a leap back to the Bureau of Regulations. In the headquarters, the authorities will continue to move forward with the search operations for the two markers. On the other hand, Gagumber and Memenpu will bid their farewell to the Merooro.

It is not clear as to what is going to be their next search point. The two of them are also likely to cross paths with Zackletu on their journey. Also, a Troll attack is also expected to come on their way. But this time, the father and daughter are prepped up. Memenpu upgraded all her gear during her stay with Merooro. The episode is expected to end with yet another halt in their mission. It will be interesting to see what the next obstacle is going to be.

Previous Episode Recap!

In the last week’s episode of Sakugan, Gagumber and Merooro easily escaped the Bureau’s men. However, Gagumber still thinks that his partner is a mole planted by the ministry itself. As they entered the Jolly-Jolly forest, Memenpu noticed that only one part of the forest was devoid of any greenery. Merooro took them through this part to the ‘God of Wind’ facility. However, Memenpu was suspicious of the structure as she kept getting lost in the alleys.

Later, she concluded that the pipes were designed to change outputs after each passer-by left. As instructed by Merooro, Memenpu began to fix the pipeline structure of the facility. During her errands, Merooro warned the two of them that they were getting into grave danger by trying to become markers. Gagumber replied that he could not keep his daughter in the closed dungeons anymore. Thus, he chose to join her in her quests and protect her from any danger.

Sakugan Episode 6: Release Date

In the next two days, fans will learn everything about Memenpu and Gagumber’s next venture. Besides the authorities and the monsters, who else are after these two explorers? The next episode will uncover the mystery. So, Sakugan Episode 6 is set to release this Thursday on November 11, 2021. The episode will be available on Crunchyroll. Stay tuned with The Anime Daily for more news updates.

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