The Beginning After the End Chapter 176: A New Dawn, A New Threat! Plot & Release Date

The Beginning After the End Chapter 176

Credit: Naver

As Arthur faces off against a challenger from his own ranks, he quickly realizes that the true battle lies ahead. He delves into the dark secrets that have been kept hidden for years. In the last chapter Arthur uncovers a sinister plot brewing within the palace. Shocked by the revelation, he sets out on a new quest to stop the enemy’s nefarious plans. Will he be able to rise to the challenge? Here is all you need to know about The Beginning After the End Chapter 176 release date and plot!

Next time in The Beginning After the End manga, the focus may shift to the Alacyran ships which are on their way to Dicathen. What secrets it is carrying for the new plot? Keep reading to find out!

The Beginning After the End Chapter 176: What Will Happen Next?

In The Beginning After The End Chapter 176, Arthur and his team face a difficult challenge as they prepare to deal with an impending threat from a fleet of ships. Despite his extensive training, Arthur realizes that he cannot stand against such a formidable force, and the potential loss of life from this attack weighs heavily on him. This situation is particularly ironic for Arthur, as he has recently come to appreciate the value of life and the preciousness of the world around him. 

Now, his own actions and creations may be the cause of casualties and loss. Arthur is not alone in his struggles, as one of his senior colleagues has also recently suffered a personal tragedy. The loss of his wife, who may have been the key to uncovering information about the enemy ships, adds to the stress of the situation. Meanwhile, the rest of the people are still largely in the dark about the larger events unfolding behind the scenes. This adds to the sense of uncertainty as they prepare to face this looming threat.

A Quick Recap!

The Beginning After The End Chapter 175 was quiet a blast for fans. Virion and Cynthia had a long history, first as enemies during a war. But then they got along as best of friends after the conflict ended. Virion had confidence in Cynthia’s skill to lead and inspire. He thought she had the skill to run an academy. Thus, Cynthia took up the task and opened Xyrus Academy, a school for mages. He also made Virion as his right hand. However, the Xyrus Academy was attacked. This marked the start of a war among two continents. 

Alacyrans cursed Cynthia. And thus, she couldn’t disclose info and came under constant watch. Two dark figures arrived to extract info from her. And in the process of lifting the curse, Cynthia died and changed into spikes. Lord Virion found her dead. And the news of Cynthia’s demise affected the characters close to her. Aurther was very eager to meet her.

The Beginning After the End Chapter 176: Release Date

New chapters come out weekly on Naver, Webtoon, and Kakaopage. The Beginning After the End Chapter 176 will release on February 3, 2023. So, we will be sure to update this section as soon as there is any more detail on this. For more updates, keep checking back on this page. Stay tuned to The Anime Daily!

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