The Gundam Studio has been producing astounding anime since long ago. Its iconic characters are famous for their incredible power and intelligence. The Gundam studio is always there to set new trend whether it is the installation of a Freedom Gundam Statue outside Japan or the record break sale of its toys.
The studio has produced numerous characters since its start and now, these characters have become the ultimate source of joy for Gundam studio whether in the form of manga or as a statue outside the homeland or a toy in your cabinet.
The Gundam studio has a whole collection of Gundam characters as their toys and sometimes it is quite difficult to choose which one to buy as all of them are incredible. Like other toys most of the Gundam models are made of plastic but the finishing and the fine quality will force you to believe they are of metal. The collection is available on various stores either online or in some kind of toy stores.
In previous days when the COVID-19 pandemic was on its peak and almost the whole world was in lockdown, the Gundam models proved to be a lifesaver. As there are several fans of Gundam throughout the globe, most of them spend their time while exploring the range of Gundam models.
In the respective tweet, one can spot how the whole rack of Gundam models has been emptied by the fans during the quarantine period.
Almost every character of the franchise is available in toy ranging from Mobile Suit Gundam: RGM-79N GM to Freedom Gundam. For our surprise each model is available in several colors and the prices of each model also vary depending upon the various factors.
Go and book a Gundam model for you and tell us about your favourite one in the comment section.