The Dr. Stone manga is currently in the midst of its most exciting arc. Since the beginning of the story, no arc was able to flesh out the genius of Senku the way this one has done. Even fans are enjoying the work mode of Senku in the recent chapters. In the previous edition, Senku successfully built a calculating device that could outperform both Sai and Senku. Now, from Dr. Stone Chapter 209 forward, Senku will come to his homeland and start working on the rocket engine. Here is all you need to know about the latest chapter.
The new chapter of Dr. Stone will bring exciting arcs for the fans. In the Corn City, Ryusui will work on the structuring of the first-ever stone age bank. He will also have to ponder upon how he will equip the people with the knowledge of banks and computers. As for Senku, he will journey to Japan to build the rocket engine

Dr. Stone Chapter 209: Plot Details
In the forthcoming chapter of Dr. Stone, Ryusui will work upon refining his plan of establishing the first-ever banking system in the stone age. But in order to make the system functional, he must provide all the people with a working computer. Moreover, these people must be equipped with the knowledge of the computer. In India, Senku and Sai will finally move forward with their plan to build a rocket. The first step has been paved, now Senku must start building the rocket engine.
In Dr. Stone Chapter 209, the stone age genius will probably leave Indian lands and move to other lands to look for advanced resources. The popular belief is that Senku will move to Japan and continue his rocket build from there. Moreover, he will also explore other lands on his way home. Senku is likely to find usable minerals in the journey. Meanwhile, his friends will continue to unfreeze the people around the world.

Previous Chapter Recap!
In the 208th chapter of Dr. Stone, the quest to the moon began. The Kingdom of Science planned that they needed millions of copper coils to build a computer. Senku realized that coils alone wouldn’t serve the purpose of a computer. They also need magnets to store the data that comes in from the research. Thus, Senku sent the instructions to his helpers in the Corn City to make two million coils and thirty million magnets.
In a few weeks, Senku was able to build the best calculating device on the planet. So, to test the accuracy of the machine, Senku and Sai conducted a Mathlympics, which turned out to be an interesting competition. In Corn City, the workers asked for their wages. Thus, Ryusui thought of building a banking system for them. The chapter ended with Ryusui wondering if the banking system in the stone age will work or not. Dr. Stone Chapter 209 will look into the details of this plan.

Dr. Stone Chapter 209: Release Date
Senku and his allies are on the way to get all the resources to build the computer. Dr. Stone Chapter 209 will release this weekend on Sunday, September 5, 2021. All the chapters of the manga are available on the official website of Viz Media and Shonen Jump.