The hype for the newest chapter is quite high. In line for a release this week is My Hero Academia Chapter 374. And for the good part, there is no break in the release of this one. The last chapter showed that Present Mic was finally successful in beating up Spinner, leading to the unfolding of a new chaos. On the other side, everyone will see that a new cloud is emerging from the sidelines. So, without taking much of your time, here is all you need to know about the chapter.
In the upcoming storyline, Dabi and Endeavor will be seen fighting for the right cause. And these two are certainly locked to fight the huge cloud that is forming above their heads. The only way to defeat it is by killing the villain.

My Hero Academia Chapter 374: What Will Happen Next?
Most of the plot details of the new chapter are already out in the public domain. As per them, the title of the next chapter will be “Butterfly Effect.” The chapter starts with the fight between Present Mic and Kurogiri. The news will come up stating that there was a giant cloud lurking over the heads of two cities of the world. This was probably the result of the Butterfly Effect.
Dabi and Endeavor will discuss what could be the reason behind this. Many heroes will come to the epicenter of this area. This is the place from where the entire chaos is originating. So, at the end of the chapter, fans will see that Hawks, Dabi, Endeavor, and other heroes will join hands to decide that they need to kill the villain no matter what.

Previous Chapter Recap!
The title of My Hero Academia Chapter 373 was ‘Friends.’ The chapter will start with the heteromorphs finding the time to stop the assault at the hospital. This was because most of the villains were not comfortable with hurting the injured. Later on, Tentacole also added to the insecurity as this would cause moral damage to their cause. On the other side, the fight between Spinner and Present Mic was seeing a direction.
The latter was able to destroy Spinner’s recording device. On the other side, he also wanted to fight off Kurogiri so that he could not make an escape. The final act of the chapter saw that Spinner found the remaining piece of Tomura’s hand, meaning that he wanted Kurogiri to save him from further damage. The last scene shows Oboro’s face a little.

My Hero Academia Chapter 374: Release Date
Most of the time of the last break has come to an end, and fans shall see some interesting fights go on in the scenes. So, the final release date of the next chapter is two days from now. Thus, My Hero Academia Chapter 374 will come out on November 28, 2022. Fans will be able to catch all the chapters of the manga only on the official pages of Viz Media, MangaPlus, and Shonen. At last, keep an eye on The Anime Daily to get all the updates right here.