It is written in the bible that every kind of sin and slander will be forgiven, but blasphemy against God will not be forgiven. Well, it looks like OMP has no plans on abiding by that rule. This is because God himself will come to the battlefield this time. Further, the Sage Centipede sent by him will crush Garou to his grave. But is this all possible as long as Saitama is standing strong? God knows what Murata is planning for his fans. But it is sure that One Punch Man Chapter 157 will be filled with crazy action and a lot of chaos. Thus, here is everything you need to know about the chapter.
In the forthcoming chapter, Murata has something special planned for the fans. Platinum Sperm has lost the fight, and he is dead to the least. At this moment, fans are especially worried about Manako, who is stuck helpless amid the chaos. Moreover, the bigger concern here is the Elder Centipede that has emerged from the core of Evil Natural Water.
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One Punch Man Chapter 157: What Will Happen Next?
The next chapter of OPM will begin with the fight between the Flashy Flash and the Sage Centipede. The biggest thing that fans are excited about is the Godslayer Fist. Fans have been talking of this move all over the internet. They are shocked at the audacity with which Flashy Flash decided to name this move so. If he does not win after this, then the punch might get all the mockery for the rest of the story. One Punch Man Chapter 157 will continue the same storyline.
Further, the fact that Tatsumaki resisted the urge to say yes to a God is proof enough that her heart is pure. Now, all fans have to wait for is another brilliant fight between Evil Ocean Water. If the heroes manage to win this one, God might come himself and settle everything himself.

A Quick Recap!
The opening scene of the 156th chapter was no less than a delight. The chapter started with Flashy Flash, Garou, and Platinum Sperm taking on one another. Much to the surprise of the fans, it was Garou who caught up with the heat of the match. He took each punch and gave it back to his opponent. On top of this, the way he dodged Flashy Flash almost felt like mockery. First, it was Platinum Sperm who left the fight. Garou blasted him into pieces and did not even look back.
In the meantime, Tatsumaki also arrived at the scene. God was offering her powers in return for something bigger. But Blast had already warned her that something of this sort would happen. Blast appeared for a small second and left after he met with King. It was only when Saitama appeared that King kneeled and greeted the superhero.

The final act of the chapter begins with the emergence of the Sage Centipede. The scene was nothing short of a shock. The creature exclaimed that they had come to destroy the fist that had turned against God. Evil Ocean Water emerged and reiterated the same. But Flashy Flash charged with a punch and asked them, ‘How About No!’
One Punch Man Chapter 157: Release Date
As per the schedule which is being followed, it is most likely that the new episode will come out in the next two days. Every two weekends, the chapter is usually released on a Saturday. So, One Punch Man Chapter 157 will release on January 29, 2022. All chapters of the manga are available on the official platforms of Viz Media and Shonen. In case the chapter is rescheduled, we will be sure to update this section. Thus, keep an eye on this space to get all the updates as they come.