Spirited Away Stage Play is getting halted due to covid incursion in its camp. The stage play’s next performance was in Fukuoka, Japan. The staff has not revealed any further information. Ghibli Studio released an anime film under the direction of Hayao Miyazaki. This play is an adaptation of this stage play. Sources have reported that Kanna Hashimoto is the victim of the covid incursion. The show continuously moves from one city to another to perform the play. Here is everything to know about the newest episode to know about the newest episode.
The February to March period performance was at the Imperial Theatre of TOHO. After that, the playing camp reached Fukuoka performing via Osaka. The future destinations of the playing camp are Sapporo and Nagoya. However, these plans will not go smoothly due to a health emergency.

Spirited Away Stage Play: Cancellation Announcement!
The staff of the stage play announced publically that the show in Fukuoka on Tuesday and Thursday was canceled. The show is coming a long way from different cities. Halting the show at this point in time will affect the future plans of the playing camp. Staff is constantly consoling the playing staff to stop the panic spread.
However, the playing staff has managed to keep itself together. The bids on the show are high. Any further delay in the show will only cause the makers’ loss. However, the show will not continue until the health emergency vanishes.

Why Is The Show Cancelled?
The lead actress of the show, Kanna Hashimoto, is Covid-19 positive. It was revealed after testing her throat issues. She has no strong symptoms. But this halt has already troubled the show organizers. The performance place is also booked for upcoming days. The organizers also canceled the pre-bookings of the show. The further announcement is unpredictable.
The show’s performance in Fukuoka is in a cold bag for now. The viewers are hoping that the show may not cancel. But it’s all the decision of the organizers what they tend to decide.

Spirited Away Stage Play: New Release Date
The staff has not spilled anything after the show’s halt announcement. The staff informed the media that the next announcement would occur on Wednesday. Ever is now just waiting for their response. If everything is normal, the show will continue with its scheduled plan.